We are real people located in Asheville, North Carolina. Here are the talented teammates on the other end of the phone and answering your emails.
Ray Miller
Fun Fact: English is my second language.
Bill Eisenhard
Chief Technology Officer
Personal Motto:
Don't panic.
Drew Hines
Chief Operating Officer
Fun Fact:
The first time I visited a foreign country, I swam to it.
Corinn Waltz
Project Manager
Fun Fact:
I am also the plant lady at the office.
Caroline Ellis
Manager of Strategic Accounts
Hidden Talent:
My ability to quote the movie Mean Girls in almost its entirety.
Hannah Dylewski
Director of Marketing Services
Hidden Talent:
Master flower gardener.
Britt Benson-Greer
Director of Client Success
Personal Motto:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott
Hannah Rabideau
Lead Client Marketing Manager
Fun Fact:
I am an excited amateur mycologist in my free time, and I enjoy foraging and cooking with whatever I can find!
Mia Cole
Client Marketing Manager
Fun Fact:
I love to knit and my favorite thing to make is socks!
Mike Todd
Senior Sales Executive
Personal Motto:
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein
Amy Clark
Senior Developer
Fun Fact:
I can ride a unicycle.
Lauren Shepherd
Fun Fact:
I started taking photos of birds as a quarantine activity, and now it's a full-blown hobby.
Scott Hove
Product Manager
Fun Fact:
I used to be in the body piercing industry.
Sterling Clark
Favorite Quote:
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it is not okay, it's not the end" - John Lennon
Juliana Peragine
Senior Marketing Coordinator
Fun Fact:
I'm a self-taught oil painter.
Evan Lehmann
Lead Developer
Personal Motto:
Never under any circumstances make a personal motto.
Tamara Roggow
Fun Fact:
I'm an avid football fan. Go Gators!
Michael Ludlam
DevOps Developer
Favorite Quote:
"If you eat caviar every day, it's difficult to return to sausages." - Arsene Wenger
Joshua Robinson
Favorite Quote:
"I'm not great at advice. Can I interest you in a saracastic comment?" - Chandler Bing
Zohie Barry
Client Marketing Manager
Fun Fact:
I have a phobia of ostriches!
Elissa Peragine
Lead Client Marketing Manager
Hidden Talent:
I make customized Yu-Gi-Oh cards for my friends as gifts.
Aubrie Holcomb
Client Marketing Manager
Favorite Quote:
"If it were easy, everyone would do it!" - Tom Hanks
Grace Halpern
Client Support
Fun Fact: I am a triplet.
Nick Toth
Client Support
Fun Fact: I was on the Olympic development team for hockey.
Sarah Bricker
Marketing Coordinator
Fun Fact: I received the best napper award in kindergarten.
Amber Martin
Marketing Coordinator
Fun Fact: I used to bake speciality wedding cakes for themed weddings.
Aaron Harris
Business Development Representative
Motto: Never stop learning
Cassie Glase
Marketing Coordinator
Fun Fact: I'm a podcast enthusiast and would like to start my own someday.
Bekah Downer
Client Support
Fun Fact: My favorite hobby is snowboarding.
Sarah Urman
Marketing Coordinator
Fun Fact: In college I studied abroad in Japan!
Mallory Cushing
Content Marketing Specialist
Favorite Quote: "I think things come into our lives to help us get from one place to a better one." - Ted Lasso
Martin Phillips
Content Marketing Specialist
Fun Fact: I write and self-publish horror stories in my free time.
Sam Campise
Senior Sales Executive
“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” – Marcus Aurelius
Gracie Bowling
Client Marketing Manager
Hidden talent: Making hand-stitched quilts from fabric dyed with plants.
Julia Murphy
Client Marketing Manager
Fun Fact: I love video games! Some of my favorites include Stardew Valley, Baldur's Gate 3, and Fallout: New Vegas.
Bernadette Di Blasio
Client Support
Fun Fact: I used to be a sommelier!
Derek Tiller
Client Support
Fun Fact: I'm an avid synthesizer enthusiast and love experimenting with electronic music.
Kyle Masuga
Client Support
Fun Fact: I've summited over half of the 54 14ers in Colorado (14,000' peaks).