Real People

We are real people located in Asheville, North Carolina. Here are the talented teammates on the other end of the phone and answering your emails.

Ray Miller


Fun Fact: English is my second language.

Bill Eisenhard

Chief Technology Officer

Personal Motto:
Don't panic.

Drew Hines

Chief Operating Officer

Fun Fact:
The first time I visited a foreign country, I swam to it.

Corinn Waltz

Project Manager

Fun Fact:
I am also the plant lady at the office.

Caroline Ellis

Manager of Strategic Accounts

Hidden Talent:
My ability to quote the movie Mean Girls in almost its entirety.

Hannah Dylewski

Director of Marketing Services

Hidden Talent:
Master flower gardener.

Britt Benson-Greer

Director of Client Success

Personal Motto:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott

Hannah Rabideau

Lead Client Marketing Manager

Fun Fact:
I am an excited amateur mycologist in my free time, and I enjoy foraging and cooking with whatever I can find!

Mia Cole

Client Marketing Manager

Fun Fact:
I love to knit and my favorite thing to make is socks!

Mike Todd

Senior Sales Executive

Personal Motto:
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein

Amy Clark

Senior Developer

Fun Fact:
I can ride a unicycle.

Lauren Shepherd


Fun Fact:
I started taking photos of birds as a quarantine activity, and now it's a full-blown hobby.

Scott Hove

Product Manager

Fun Fact:
I used to be in the body piercing industry.

Sterling Clark


Favorite Quote:
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it is not okay, it's not the end" - John Lennon

Juliana Peragine

Senior Marketing Coordinator

Fun Fact:
I'm a self-taught oil painter.

Evan Lehmann

Lead Developer

Personal Motto:
Never under any circumstances make a personal motto.

Tamara Roggow


Fun Fact:
I'm an avid football fan. Go Gators!

Michael Ludlam

DevOps Developer

Favorite Quote:
"If you eat caviar every day, it's difficult to return to sausages." - Arsene Wenger

Joshua Robinson


Favorite Quote:
"I'm not great at advice. Can I interest you in a saracastic comment?" - Chandler Bing

Zohie Barry

Client Marketing Manager

Fun Fact:
I have a phobia of ostriches!

Elissa Peragine

Lead Client Marketing Manager

Hidden Talent:
I make customized Yu-Gi-Oh cards for my friends as gifts.

Aubrie Holcomb

Client Marketing Manager

Favorite Quote:
"If it were easy, everyone would do it!" - Tom Hanks

Grace Halpern

Client Support

Fun Fact: I am a triplet.

Nick Toth

Client Support

Fun Fact: I was on the Olympic development team for hockey.

Sarah Bricker

Marketing Coordinator

Fun Fact: I received the best napper award in kindergarten.

Amber Martin

Marketing Coordinator

Fun Fact: I used to bake speciality wedding cakes for themed weddings.

Aaron Harris

Business Development Representative

Motto: Never stop learning

Cassie Glase

Marketing Coordinator

Fun Fact: I'm a podcast enthusiast and would like to start my own someday.

Bekah Downer

Client Support

Fun Fact: My favorite hobby is snowboarding.

Sarah Urman

Marketing Coordinator

Fun Fact: In college I studied abroad in Japan!

Mallory Cushing

Content Marketing Specialist

Favorite Quote: "I think things come into our lives to help us get from one place to a better one." - Ted Lasso

Martin Phillips

Content Marketing Specialist

Fun Fact: I write and self-publish horror stories in my free time.

Sam Campise

Senior Sales Executive

“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” – Marcus Aurelius

Gracie Bowling

Client Marketing Manager

Hidden talent: Making hand-stitched quilts from fabric dyed with plants.

Julia Murphy

Client Marketing Manager

Fun Fact: I love video games! Some of my favorites include Stardew Valley, Baldur's Gate 3, and Fallout: New Vegas.

Bernadette Di Blasio

Client Support

Fun Fact: I used to be a sommelier!

Derek Tiller

Client Support

Fun Fact: I'm an avid synthesizer enthusiast and love experimenting with electronic music.

Kyle Masuga

Client Support

Fun Fact: I've summited over half of the 54 14ers in Colorado (14,000' peaks).